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Application Modules


After the final examinations are completed at the end of each school term, the student’s grade becomes the most important question at the top of each student’s mind.

Student grades form part of the requirements to avail for school scholarships, to be able to register for succeeding subjects on the next school term, and to graduate having passed all the required subjects or courses defined in the curriculum.

With the growing number of students, computing for the final grade based on multiple exams, projects, and other class requirements becomes a tedious task for teaching faculty members.

Eskuwela’s Grading module provides you with the following features to properly address these grading concerns.

Grading Portal for Faculty

With Eskuwela’s Grading module, the teaching faculty members have an online portal that allows them to enter all of their students’ grades from examinations such as midterm, final exams, projects, and grades from other course requirements.

Final Grade Computation

The grading facility accurately computes for the final grade of students based on all the grades of each student taking into account the weight from each course exam and requirement.

Student Portal for Grades

The students are provided with their own portal where they can view in real time their exam results and their computed final grade without having to go to school to get the results


  • Improves accuracy of grading
  • Speeds up final grade computation
  • Saves student travel time where students can view their grades online

Inquiries and Reports

Powerful inquiries and reports allow you to list down and keep track of all the student grade information.